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什么是OpenStack的杀手级应用?<span title="Users say it's dev and test.


<span title="According to the latest OpenStack User Survey, most deployments of the open source cloud infrastructure project are on-premises private clouds for dev-and-test work that serve teams of fewer than 100 users.
<span title="]

<span title="The survey tallied responses from users running some 260 deployments of OpenStack worldwide, with results available through a portal that allows the data to be tabulated in various ways.

“>该调查统计了在全球范围内<span title="The survey tallied responses from users running some 260 deployments of OpenStack worldwide, with results available through a portal that allows the data to be tabulated in various ways.


<span title="A companion report released by the OpenStack User Committee distilled the most striking results, but poking through the data in the portal provides a more granular look at what OpenStack users are doing.
<span title="Build it in house, use it to test


<span title="Build it in house, use it to test

<span title="Build it in house, use it to test

用户调查报告突出地提到了,越来越多的OpenStack部署被认为是“生产”或“全面运营使用” ——截至2016年9月,这一比例为71%(去年同期为59%,2013年底为32%)。同样<span title=", the number of installations marked "proof of concept" or "in testing" have shrunk from 2013 highs of 34 percent for both down to 11 percent and 18 percent, respectively.


当前OpenStack用户也不太可能向别人唱衰该产品,不像去年。作为“批评者”的用户数量已从2015年的21%下降到目前的10%。但是这些用户总的来说还没有成为“推动者”,约占被调查用户群的53%。<span title="instead, they're joining the ranks of the "passives," who have a neutral recommendation stance about OpenStack.


数据还清楚地显示了OpenStack部署的进展和目的。65%用于创建内部部署私有云,主要用于开发和测试工作(65%)和“基础设施服务”(51%)。<span title="The third most common use case, databases, comes in at 35 percent, with all other applications — web services, network function virtualization, analytics — all trailing in percentages after that.

“>第三个最常见的用例是数据库,占比35%,所有其他应用程序 ——网络服务、网络功能虚拟化、分析 ——占比随后。

其中一半以上的部署服务少于100个用户(20%服务1到9个用户,37%服务10到99个用户)。<span title="The next largest slice, 27 percent, was for teams of 100 to 999 users, but everything beyond that is 11 percent of the pie or less.

<span title="The next largest slice, 27 percent, was for teams of 100 to 999 users, but everything beyond that is 11 percent of the pie or less.

<span title="The Kubernetification of OpenStack continues

<span title="The Kubernetification of OpenStack continues

在最近对OpenStack所做的所有更改中,最大的变化是流行的容器编排框架Kubernetes如何被逐步改造。现在说它将如何继续引导OpenStack的开发和使用为时过早,但是自从上次调查以来,一大部分OpenStack用户已经开始使用,以充分利用Kubernetes。<span title="As of right now, some 48 percent already use it for PaaS in OpenStack.


OpenStack用户也是利用其他常见的企业基础设施工具而不是OpenStack自带工具的粉丝。 <span title="Ansible and Puppet (43 percent and 40 percent) were the two most common tools for cluster deployment, with OpenStack's own Fuel at a mere 17 percent.


OpenStack在电信公司中取得了最明显的进展,因为它的网络功能已经证明它可以为电信应用中经常使用的昂贵的专用硬件提供可行的替代方案。<span title="Telecom is still the second-largest industry sector identified by OpenStack users (13 percent), although general "information technology" companies make up some 68 percent of the total user base.


也就是说,该报告之前的版本把许多电信相关业务(“有线电视和ISP”、“电信和网络”、“数据中心/托管”)的公司作为68%的一部分,因此更难以挑选出哪些是“纯粹的”IT公司。 <span title="(The current version of the report doesn't provide such details.)



作者:Serdar Yegulalp

来源:http://www.infoworld.com/article ... -test-are-king.html
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